Monorail for Fun Town - Part 1.

Monorail for Fun Town - Part 1:   Follow the development of a monorail for Fun Town in this part 1, Is it a bird, is it a plane, or is it just Snitzl Town's overhead tram.  To be honest, I didn't know whether to call this project an overhead train, engine or  tram, technically its not yet a train, so I opted for tram. It's actually been eight  months since my last blog, the main reason being that development of this overhead tram system has had a few major setbacks that caused me to take a three month break to sort out my workshop, replaced my old Southbend Heavy 10 lathe with an even older pre war  Boley & Leinen LZ4, made new countershafts for a couple of Pultra lathes and then constructed  new work benches. Enough of the excuses, this blog starts with the development of the monorail and ends with the archway supports for the rail, there's still a little more to come in part four of  Fun Town.

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